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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 33, Issue 6, pp. 1261-1531

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Fast, Distributed Approximation Algorithms for Positive Linear Programming with Applications to Flow Control

Yair Bartal, John W. Byers, and Danny Raz

pp. 1261-1279

Preemptive Weighted Completion Time Scheduling of Parallel Jobs

Uwe Schwiegelshohn

pp. 1280-1308

Algebraic Properties for Selector Functions

Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Harald Hempel, and Arfst Nickelsen

pp. 1309-1337

Graphs with Tiny Vector Chromatic Numbers and Huge Chromatic Numbers

Uriel Feige, Michael Langberg, and Gideon Schechtman

pp. 1338-1368

Disjoint NP-Pairs

Christian Glasser, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta, and Liyu Zhang

pp. 1369-1416

Incremental Clustering and Dynamic Information Retrieval

Moses Charikar, Chandra Chekuri, Tomas Feder, and Rajeev Motwani

pp. 1417-1440

Tight Bounds for Testing Bipartiteness in General Graphs

Tali Kaufman, Michael Krivelevich, and Dana Ron

pp. 1441-1483

Depth Optimal Sorting Networks Resistant to k Passive Faults

Marek Piotrów

pp. 1484-1512

Arithmetic Circuits and Polynomial Replacement Systems

Pierre McKenzie, Heribert Vollmer, and Klaus W. Wagner

pp. 1513-1531